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Man From Mars Productions


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  CBS microphone

On a Sunday night in 1938 Orson Welles and the CBS Mercury Theatre scared the daylights out of America with an adaptation of H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds.

No one at the network realized the impact the hour-long program would have. In those days, if you heard it on radio it had to be real.

The Orson Welles production was rebroadcast on WDRC Halloween night 1971; click here for details.

WDRC carried the broadcast and here's what The Hartford Courant had to say the next day, mentioning neither the station or the network by name.

microphone of the Columbia Broadcasting System  
  Hartford Courant - October 31, 1938

Hartford Courant - October 31, 1938
Hartford Courant - October 31, 1938

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